OpenIVI uses the 'repo' tool to checkout and manage multiple git repositories.

First install repo by following these instructions

After that, ensure you have the packages required by Yocto installed.

Then fetch the source with:

mkdir pro
cd pro
repo init -u
repo sync # Fetch all the git repositories
cd poky
export TEMPLATECONF=meta-oim/conf
source oe-init-build-env

At this point you may want to edit conf/local.conf to set DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR. These can (and should) be shared between multiple builds. If you are using 'shovel' for the build, then use:

DL_DIR ?= "/yocto-downloads"
SSTATE_DIR ?= "/yocto-sstate-cache"

Then type

bitbake -k openivi-image

…​and grab a coffee. This will take an hour or so the first time.

Using repo manifests

Repo manifest files list a set of git repositories and the branches or revisions to check out from them. These can be used to fetch the latest 'stable' branch of all the code, and to revert to the exact source trees used for a build.

Stable Builds

There’s a file stable.xml in the root of the project. It’s the same as default.xml but pointed at the stable revision of some of the projects. To check out these versions using repo run the following:

repo sync -m stable.xml # Checkout stable just once


repo init -m stable.xml  # Make stable the default for sync
repo sync

Rebuilding old releases

The manifest files can also be used to recreate old builds of OpenIVI. The build process automatically includes the current manifest in /etc/manifest.xml on the built image. To recreate an old build from an existing image or piece of hardware, fetch this file and pass it to repo sync -m or repo init -m. You can also check out an older commit from the pro repo to get older manifest.xml files.

Rust build errors

Sometimes the Rust client code fails to compile. If sota-client fails to build, run the following commands:

bitbake -c clean sota-client
bitbake -c devshell sota-client

Then in the xterm that pops up, run:

cargo clean

Finally build sota-client with:

bitbake sota-client

After that, bitbake openivi-image should work again. See PRO-1005 for a proper fix for this.